Grapevine Giving
We at Friends of the Fatherless endeavor to take the difficulty out of giving and receiving. We do this by diligently seeking and applying the highest wisdom, the counsel written in the Holy Scriptures. Some of these principals are specifically for the Christian, but others apply to all religions, all humankind, even the atheist. Here are a few principals to consider, when applied these principles will enrich your giving experience.
The scripture tells us to pray about everything, be constant in prayer, in ALL your ways acknowledge Him (and He will make your paths straight). Praying from the heart then stepping out in faith insures the best use of our hard earned (or not so hard earned) money.
The borrower is servant to the lender.
ACKNOWLEDGE GOD'S OWNERSHIP OF OUR RESOURCES...the Lord has made the earth and everything on it...Nehemiah 9:6. Ask Him what to do with the money you are blessed with.
Treat every dollar with importance, in the fear of the Lord. Use the wisdom, common sense, and stewardship gift God has given you to make the most prudent and effective money decisions. LUKE 16:1-8
We didn’t bring anything into the world nor will we take anything with us when we leave. What is of the utmost importance is what we do with it while we are here on the earth. Remember the orphans and the widows. Be rich towards God. LUKE 12:16-21
The Lord wants us to be content no matter what our circumstances. This is the day the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it! We're encouraged to "Delight yourself in the Lord", and "Rejoice in the Lord always." We should also rejoice in giving and give happily not begrudgingly. Even getting excited about the good that will be done with our giving, for God loves a cheerful giver.
It is more blessed to give than to receive...so don’t let your wants get in the way. Be content with what you have. Not one sparrow is forgotten by God, are you not of more value than many sparrows?
Dishonest scales are an abomination to the Lord, but a just weight is His delight. Proverbs 11:1
We believe the Bible must not be applied to the times we live in but the times we live in must be applied to the Bible. The scripture and it’s meanings are timeless. All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness...2 Timothy 3:16
Remember the widow's mite? She gave only a few pennies but because it was all that she had Jesus said she gave more than everyone else. If you have more, give more. To whom much is given, much is required.
There are many more of these giving and receiving principles to be found in the Good Book and as we apply them we are blessed with the highest use of money, the multiplication of money, the anointing of the Lord on the money and the pleasure that God finds in our obedience and in our seeking Him regarding money.
Be assured, our commitment to you as a ministry, is to apply every one of these money related principles and more, found in scripture, in our stewardship of the funds we are entrusted.
Giving Groups
Grapevine Giving groups partner with an orphanage when they are trying to get situated financially or, offer aid during a season when the home may be going through a financial downswing. The group usually gives a one-time lump sum to be applied where the resources are most needed, or an ongoing monthly or quarterly gift. The giving group may also provide counsel and accountability by establishing a transparency plan to understand how the money is being used. A giving group can replace or come alongside programs where individual children are sponsored. A Grapevine Giving Group may have many members, or consist of just a few dedicated individuals. Friends of the Fatherless typically requests updates from the home to gauge the effectiveness and stewardship of the spending, but each group's intimate relationship with the home serves to help the group see the fruit of their gift.
International Transfer
The purpose of International Transfer is to safeguard kind gestures of the heart given by those desiring to help abandoned children. We provide the means to transfer money easily, safely, and cost effectively.
Many donors and orphanages are not accustomed to sending and receiving money Internationally. Churches or individuals may not have found a safe method for sending their financial gift. Additionally, banks often tac on substantial fees, reducing the intended amount to be gifted. Depending on the countries involved some methods are not safe and detours may occur. Money can get tied up for months or banks may even reject the money. Our goal with International Transfer is to serve as a point of counsel and help facilitate the donation by researching and using the best methods available. By routing donations through Friends of the Fatherless an additional benefit is the tax deductible receipt you will receive when you donate through International Transfer.
Spotlight on Orphan Care
There are an estimated 200,000 caregivers in the worldwide orphan community giving their lives to care for thrown away, abused, abandoned children.
Spotlight on Orphan Care uses various media venues to make their needs known and highlight ways to help these heroes.
Our hope is that individuals, churches, and other generous groups will respond with financial resources and goodwill actions to help further their efforts.
Raise A Helping Hand